New lighting in place

A new lighting system was always part of the plan when the audio/visual tour was being conceived, and despite our best efforts, it was not ready in time for our re-opening: this, unfortunately, lead to the museum being closed again soon afterwards while the lights were being fitted, and we would like to apologise to those of you who were affected.

Today, however, our new lights were switched on, and work in sync with the audio tour: the lights switch on and off, to underscore the events in the audio. The pictures below will hopefully give some idea of how the lights look, but there’s no substitute for coming to visit us, to see them in person!

Waiting for action

Waiting for action

The new lighting lends a little more reverence to the All-Stars

The new lighting lends a little more reverence to the All-Stars

Minimal lighting, when no tour is in progress

Minimal lighting, when no tour is in progress

The lights turn on at the appropriate time, to illustrate the audio tour

The lights turn on at the appropriate time, to illustrate the audio tour